・練習中の動画を本校の許可なく撮影・使用しません。(Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LINE, 第三者への転送、他)
I agree to not record any of the in practice routines of KPAS Entertainment on social Media. (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LINE, etc.)
・撮影した写真や動画をイベント広告やHP, Instagram, Facebook等での使用を許可します。
All images and videos of students will be uploaded to social media and used in commercial advertising of the school. I consent for KPAS Entertainment to upload videos and pictures of events to public media for these purposes.
・安全第一で管理・指導につとめておりますが、怪我や事故に対して 責任及び損害賠償は自己責任となります。
At KPAS Entertainment Management is committed to safety first, but responsibility and liability for injury and accidents are the customers responsibility. KPAS Entertainment cannot be held reliable for any injuries or accidents. For any additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact management info@kpasjapan.com